Saturday, March 01, 2008

Help me figure out what I'm getting into

There's a show I want to do. It's a big show. There will be thousands of young buyers, and many of them save up during the year just to shop at this show. So far as I know, I'll be the only one selling the items I carry (vintage kimono, etc). I really, really want to do this show.

It costs $900 just for the booth. And it's 600 miles away. I'll have to drive.

I am nuts.


So... tell me what you think. Am I crazy, overly ambitious, or on the right track?


At 3/01/2008 , Blogger Comrade Kevin said...

Judgment call, and purely up to you.

Can you financially afford it, that's all I ask.

If you can, then go for it!

At 3/02/2008 , Blogger juliejulie said...

Go for it! You have to try it. You will learn so much by going there, and bring oodles of business cards for networking, and do a little contest-giveaway to get everyone's email contact so you can send them information later. The experience of a show like this will push you to the next level with your business.

At 3/02/2008 , Blogger Elise Michaels Media said...

I think it's your target audience in theme, but as soon as I saw the site, I wondered whether the young audience would be a discernible one - one that appreciates vintage. And have the money to pay for it. I would ask some questions of the organizers, like: where does the majority of the audience come from, what is the main age group, are there any other vendors that are similar to mine (vintage) that I can contact before I commit, who sells the most product... those kinds of questions. That will give you a better background.

At 3/02/2008 , Blogger kimono hime said...

Live on the fly, you're right, of course. I guess I feel confident about it because I used to go to those types shows.... and spend a lot of money. Yeah, I'm a geek.

At 3/03/2008 , Blogger Synthaetica said...

not crazy. you can't get customers in a vacuum! go. sell. live. love!


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