Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm still up.

Well, it's almost midnight, so I guess that's the point, right?

Anyway, I'm yawning and rubbing my eyes but must stay awake. There is simply too much to learn, see and do tonight. Every night. Every day. The brain is like a sponge and I am having so much fun with this business. I managed to get fired from the other ones I've had in this little ranch town because they all bored me to death. Even the last one (which I truly enjoyed and actually miss) bored me with the constant dusting I was doing. That takes about 5 brain cells to do. Doing what I love, that's hardly going to be dull, now is it?

Ooo, I found (once again because I know I've found it before then lost it) this magazine: Kateigaho International. I'm looking at a subscription and possibly some back issues for research purposes. Very nice. Considering I spent $70 on a kimono mook on ebay this month (yikes!!), I think the subcription for this mag isn't bad. Not at all.

Back to sewing. I have work to do. Sleep is for other people. I'll catch up later.


At 6/26/2007 , Blogger Melanie Gray Augustin said...

I have been subscribing to the magazine since I got here. Will be going home next year though and think I will need to keep the subscription up.. it's just so divine!


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