More Kimono Shoes!
Ah, I'm in love. With Hetty Rose Kimono shoes.

As for the SakeOne kimono fashion show, I'll write about that when I get the photos... I was too busy dressing models to take photos or even listen to the music. But it was fun!
Random observations of a blue eyed night owl.
Ah, I'm in love. With Hetty Rose Kimono shoes.
I did it. I've taken yet another step to becoming totally ebay-ified, as if I wasn't already. I got up at 6:30 am and wrote a guide to using kimono fabrics for crafts. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think, and submit a happy vote while you're there! If you think it needs revising, let me know about it.
The Fiber Arts Walk in Sisters, Oregon was so much fun! This was my second year doing the show and I had a great time in my friend Debbie's shop, Wisteria Chic. It was a hot day and I wore my new green shibori yukata. I met a lot of friendly quilters and artists and sold quite a nice bit of fabric.