Saturday, March 31, 2007

Being Green.

Since my product line is almost entirely made from recycled vintage textiles, I've been tagged as "being green" by the Central Oregon Environmental Center and A few nights ago I attended the Green Drinks group at the Grove here in Bend (I'm pretty sure I was the only one not involved in construction or landscaping), and I was raised by a mother who's parents first met on a Sierra Club hike back in the 1920's on Mt St Helens.

I recycle, compost, and dug up a large part of my (rented) lawn to grow veggies. We take short showers. We ride our bikes. We buy organic foods from the farmers market. And now... I'm adding a new blog to my list. It's Sew Green, a group of green individuals blogging about making our world a better place. Check it out.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Almost April, what to wear?

Here I am, counting down to the trunk show at Twisted Locks on April 3... but first, I'm meeting up with a Style Coach! Jandi Girard of Inspire Style Coaching will be helping me find my own personal style. Oh sure, it's easy enough for me to wear a kimono in public, but something like business casual? I'm lost. Seriously. I had a meeting with Jandi a few days ago to take my measurements and I was very impressed. She's got an upbeat attitude and loves her work. Check out her site for more info.

Meanwhile, here in Bend it's still winter. The crocuses are up, daffodils are trying, tulips are so-so (at least in my yard. I get the impression they don't care for sand), and I've got hundreds of sunflowers sprouting up everywhere. Apparently they DO like our soil. Hardy little buggers. That's what I get for trying to compost the seedheads last fall...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Trunk Shows booking now--hooray!

I'll be doing my first trunk show of the year in Portland, Oregon on April 3 at Twisted Locks Salon from noon til 5 pm. Be there!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Working Wonders

Say hello to the wonderful staff at Working Wonders Children's Museum in Bend, Oregon. Meet Ashley:...Graham the Samurai:...and Amber, the one who puts it all together and made Hina Matsuri happen. She's not really that blurry, I think the camera was tired.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Hina Matsuri!

Once again we'll be sprucing up in our finest kimono to celebrate Hina Matsuri day on March 11 at Working Wonders Children's Museum in Bend, Oregon. Last year was really fun, and this year even some of the staff will be slipping into kimono... yes, I will post pics after Sunday, but if you're in the area and have kids, please join us and bring a doll! You can say hello to me (Carol) and Mickey (the lovely young brunette on the Kimono Momo homepage) as we have tea and treats.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Shiny New Updated Pages

Yes, finally. There were a few places on the Kimono Momo site that still said things like "updates to come in Feb. 2007" even a week into March, so I figured it was time to spend the day sitting in front of the computer, hacking out code and cropping photos.

Now my eyes are all buggy. But at least the site looks better.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Don't forget to eat the chopsticks

With a big shout-out to our friends over at Asian Buzz, this find is amazing. Sushi. Chocolate sushi. Koo-Ki Sushi. Take a look, but don't lick the screen.