Red sexy

My KimonoMomo bags got a nice mention A Mom in Red High Heels recently. Cool site! I say check it out.
Random observations of a blue eyed night owl.
With apologies to FranIAm (who I'm sure will get a chuckle out of this anyway), I now present to you these icons designed and created by fellow Etsy artist Madelyn Smoak of Mad Art Jewelry in North Carolina.
Because Comrade Kevin asked and also because I need the practice, I give you the men's version of dressing in kimono, speed-style. (note: this is not quite the traditional way, and the guys are obviously non-Japanese, but it's a funny video from the perspective of someone who has had to dress people in kimono in a hurry)
Just in case you were wondering what goes into putting on a kimono, this video will show you what I go through putting mine on, only I do it by myself with a mirror. It's kinda like having both hands tied behind my back!
I picked this one up from Comrade Kevin and DCup today because after a too-long hiatus, I'm back to reading their blogs (which I suggest you do too, if you don't already). I'm tagging myself with this one as I figured no one else would since I've been out of the loop for so long. So, here it goes:
Today I signed up with flickr and Talent Database. Why? um, because people at Etsy forums told me it would be good for networking. And I guess there just aren't enough places to be online already, right? I'm already on Trunkt (which is juried, so that's really cool), myspace, here on blogger, wordpress, Etsy, eBay, Squidoo, my own website, and... I'm sure I've forgotten some.
I just finished watching this film (I take Thursdays off) and it was most excellent. And before you ask, no, they are not geisha, and yes, it's as much fun as it looks. Great costumes, lots of sex, even some romance. Just perfect.